
Twin Falls, The Supreme Court Does Not Care About Our Children

As we follow the path lit by the Lamp of Scripture, the Bible, we know that this route will be met with opposition in this culture that has grown comfortable with the murdering of our vulnerable neighbors.

One consistent opposition we hear at every level is that Planned Parenthood will, WILL, file a lawsuit the very moment they catch wind that a people tell them “not in our city”, “not in our state” or “not in our nation”. This is likely more than a fear tactic, but where is a people in the land who will call out to God for courage to stand against the tyrant? Where are the citizens willing to run for public office with the grit to defend the baby in the womb?

But there is not just Planned Parenthood that is holding the city of Twin Falls hostage and slowly killing off babies every month like clock work. The lack of willingness to do what everyone says can’t be done has even paralyzed the city.

We are told it’s not an “if” it’s a “when” Planned Parenthood files lawsuit against the city the appeal process will be hurdle after hurdle of expensive legal steps only to be denied at the finish line by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Twin Falls, the Supreme Court doesn’t care about the children in our city. State legislators don’t drive past the abortion clinic on Second Ave. Church, the voice our community needs to hear is not a reminder that a neighborhood bully lives within the city or that a team of disconnected lawmakers are in the rear barracks while a spiritual battle rages. The city needs a church that will speak and keep on speaking truth. One thing God fearing citizens can do is vote city council members into office who will not be told to sit down and be quiet on this matter. This is the city council election you must not sit out of. Find out who is running for the available seats and ask them if they will pass a city ordinance that will forbid the murdering of babies in the womb in our city. Ask everyone of them. Nobody gets a pass on this. This is how we legislate moral and just ordinances. Murder is an act against God and humanity.

Allowing babies to be murdered in the womb because someone might press charges against us or declare our actions unconstitutional is not what God fearing people do. It’s not what loving people do. It’s not what good neighbors do. It’s not what civilized people do. It’s what barbarians do.

Be sure of this, the Supreme Court of the United States does not care what happens to the babies in Twin Falls, Idaho unless the people of Twin Falls, Idaho speak out. How does a system like ours work unless we are willing to challenge what we are told might happen. The Supreme Court of the United States is not our all powerful god. If we continue to treat it like that there will be no more of strange god we have bowed down to than that. If there is anyone in the community that cares about babies more than moms it should be the church of the Living God.

Come on brother preachers, speak truth into our day. Be the pillar and butruss of Truth. Those who do not love the children in our city do not have our permission to hold our city hostage any longer.

Let it be heard on the streets of Twin Falls… “who told the preachers they had permission to speak?”

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