
Why I Rarely Wear A Mask

I think it might be helpful to post an explanation here why I rarely wear a mask. I say rarely because there are times, places, and reasons for when I do, but I do mean rarely.

I’m not really interested in a debate between this media source and that media source; the truth is sometimes in the media. I’m more interested in true truth than media truth.

It has clearly become an issue with great confusion. I respect that one may believe a mask works. My saying or believing a mask does not work should not be interpreted as me saying I’m better than others (or dumber than some) and it should not be seen as uncaring.

To me, truth matters. All truth matters. It’s not that I have personally conducted tests to determine the value of a mask. It’s that I have intended to read and understand with great clarity the results of those who do the science and read their conclusions. It’s possible they could be wrong, so I must read more than just one or two science journal results to have a fair and responsible conclusion.

So the primary reason why I rarely wear a mask is because I care about truth. I will work up a post someday to reference the sources and documents I’ve read. Until then, I think you would find helpful information on masks if you read the more weedy journals that the CDC references (even there will be sufficient evidence to see why I find it hard to believe that even an n-95 mask will stop a virus particle).

As for the times when I will wear a mask… If you ever see me wearing one, you’ll know that must be one of the rare times I do, unless I’m mowing my yard, tilling my garden, or raking leaves from my sycamore tree (of which I am severely allergic).

Otherwise, if you see me somewhere and you feel uncomfortable around me without a mask I will gladly keep my distance, step aside, or find a mask (preferably not the one on the ground) and be pleased to talk.

Here is a recent letter to the editor someone wrote. I usually start my personal conversations with the person I have an issue with. (To be as clear as possible, I have never threatened nor would I ever be willing to kill a pregnant mother with COVID-19.)

I believe Pastor Thompson’s request is hypocritical. How can you request a “sanctuary city” for the unborn when you are willing to kill the mother from COVID-19 because you refuse to wear a mask to protect others. I am not a fan of abortion, but I think more should be done to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Pastor Thompson needs to wear a mask, (I noticed he was not wearing one at the Council meeting), social distance and help Planned Parenthood prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Sherry Hoem
Buhl, ID


I don’t know Ms. Hoem and to my knowledge have never met her. I have no reason to believe she is anything but caring and a kind neighbor.

Ms. Hoem, are you saying that if I wore a mask you would join our efforts to interpose for the pre-born in our valley?

Letter to the editor: Pastor Thompson needs to wear a mask, (I noticed he was not wearing one at the Council meeting), social distance and help Planned Parenthood prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Posted by Times-News on Friday, January 29, 2021

Post Script: For the record, what goes on at Planned Parenthood in Twin Falls is the premeditated and cold-blooded murder of voiceless children in the womb.

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