
A Catalog of Abominations

For too long those lovers of sin have been asked by leaders of churches what it might take to get them to attend church. 

First, this is wrong on every level. A loving God doesn’t look to those who hate Him to instruct Him on what He needs to do to appear loving to them.
A loving God tells them what He hates. The proper way to read the Bible is to desire to know who God is, to understand Him, to see if there is any offensive way in us, and when we see that there is to turn from that offense and offensive way and believe the Gospel.

Not only have those leaders in churches been asking the wrong source what they should do or how they should conduct themselves; they have been leading many followers to be twice as fit for Hell as they are.

In this blessed, treasured, authoritative word of God, the Bible, we are given the greatest help to know who God is. He tells us Himself and He tells us how to best love our neighbors. One cannot claim to represent the God of Love by misrepresenting Him to those who are seeking for truth.

Some will claim at this point that it is unloving to say that God actually has a list of things He hates.

Consider the Bible with me. In Proverbs chapter 6 we are given a list of the things God hates. This is a shock to the modern preacher who doesn’t understand his duty is to preach from the Bible and declare what God has said. The literary form of Proverbs chapter 6 is a numerical proverb, it is a rhetorical parallel. Meaning it is framed in a manner as to capture the attention of the reader.

Proverbs 6:16-19 starts out like this: “There are six things which the LORD hates, yes seven which are an abomination to Him…”

Which is it? Six things or seven? Yes! 

That’s the point. It’s like saying “let me tell you a few things about myself, as a matter of fact, let me tell you seven things.”

This list of seven things in Proverbs 6:16-19 is really like a catalog of things God hates. Do we understand how helpful this is? God lists out for us things that are an abomination to Him. This is among the most helpful things about the Bible, we have a reference point to look at. We are given markers to determine who we are worshipping. Do we have the holy things of God in mind or do we have the very things God hates in mind? 

I’ve heard preachers say before that they would rather not talk about the negative things and only talk about the positive things. I’ve heard them say that this world has enough negativity in it. They would rather be known for the things God is for than the things God is against. Well, let me say, I get that. The Bible does have positive things in it, and we want to display those glorious attributes of God to the world. 

But we simply must not avoid helpful lists like this.

It would also be important to notice that where this does list things God abhors, It also identifies those whom the Lord hates. This is not popular, but it is true. 

There are those whom the Lord hates. Look at this list and be thankful to the Almighty God for listing this catalog of abomination.

The six things God hates, in fact, the seven things “which are an abomination to Him are: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.”

This is a blessing from Living God. He has just disclosed there are things and those whom he hates. If these attributes are ruling your life then count this moment a kindness of God that you might see why you need a Savoir, and that Savior is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ as described by the Bible alone. Believe Him today, and be saved. 

Abandon the social club lying to you about God. That “pastor” telling you God loves you no matter what hates God so much that he/she is not willing to stand before you and declare what God says. Pick up that Holy Bible again and find the God who loves you so much that He put your sins on His only begotten son and poured His wrath upon Him who could pay for that sin, so you could be free from his judgment and wrath and for the first time, free to obey Him.

Love God and hate sin. 

This post was submitted for publication in the Twin Falls, Times News for Saturday, January 30, 2021.

Paul Thompson is the preaching pastor at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, ID. Eastside Baptist Church gathers every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. More information can be gathered here: www.esbcTwinFalls.com 

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