
Bold Respect

I attend my city council meetings in Twin Falls, ID most Monday nights. I have been doing this for several years. I find this the best place to know how to pray for my community. I don’t know of a better place for me to have a pulse on what is happening in my community.

I have been attending through four different mayors, I have witnessed several major debates, I have been present through significant expansions of city infrastructure, I’ve sat through budget planning, I know more about city government than ever thought I would ever want to know. I have also witnessed my city government hire two fire chiefs, a police chief, and I find the promotions of policemen and firemen among my favorite events.

I strive with restraint to not be a bother to my city council. I look for opportunities to express appreciation often. I speak publically, but rarely, but at least annually. I think each council needs to hear from me personally and corporately. The weekly meetings are really the only way to legally meet with the entire council at the same time. I can, and do communicate with my council regularly.

When I do, I argue it needs to be respectful, seasoned with grace, and have a gospel purpose.

For several years I’ve been reminding our city council that we allow the murdering of children in our city at the shocking average near 200 per year. There is no greater public risk in my beloved city than Planned Parenthood. Currently, the city is blessed to have some council members who get this is a heinous blight, an offense to the Almighty.

Last night, a gentleman from a neighboring town, who attends regularly too, stood up during the “public input” section of the agenda where citizens are welcomed and invited to speak to the council on matters that were not on the agenda that night.

Mr. Ryeker Herndon approached the podium on January 25, 2021, and delivered a bold, respectful, and personal statement concerning the non-action of the council to consider the public health risk children in the womb are in in our city.

Mr. Herdon did what we’ve been praying would happen.

One thing the Christian needs to remember is that God is most interested in our character and obedience. I post the audio of Mr. Herndon’s statement below to encourage others to consider the same and use his intentionality as a model of how to keep this gospel banner in the vanguard of this culture war.

Feel free to contact me if I can offer help in formulating your 2 to 3 minute, gospel driven, appeal to the city council.

For the glory of God.

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