
Paper, Phones, and Automobiles

When Idaho is in session, help keep the economy strong by:
1) writing your legislators (I know, who uses paper anymore?).
2) calling your legislators.
3) travel to Boise and speak to them face to face.

Thursday, February 27, at 9:00 a.m. the Houses State Affairs Committee will pick up HB525. (It is item 4 on the aganda) This is a bill that is being promoted as a bill to not allow Idaho public money (collected from taxes) to be used to fund abortions. This is only partially true. It does not allow the majority of abortions, but it is a bill that also introduces language into Idaho code that would make a path for Idaho public money (collected from county and city taxes) to fund abortions where incest and rape are proven to abortion providers, ie, Planned Parenthood. (see video below)

Over the last week I have had pastors across the state writing statements to speak to the moral and righteous vantage point from the Holy Bible. If you have not read those statements yet, consider reading them by clicking on the links below.

What can you do?

  1. Write your legislators (2 Representatives and 1 Senator) and write the State Affairs Committee. As always… be short, to the point, kind, respectful, and tell them you want them to vote “no” on this piece of legislation.
  3. Call your legislators (2 Representatives and 1 Senator) especially if yours are on the State Affairs Committee. Like before… be short, be to the point, be kind, be respectful and tell them how you want them to vote on this piece of legislation. This is not a place to debate your position.
  4. Contact your employer and ask for the day off so you can travel to Boise to testify to the State Affairs Committee. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. HB525 is likely to be a bill with many people testifying.
  5. Share this post with as many people as you can to act in some way or another.
  6. Be sure to vote in the next election for people who will actually vote your values.

This is how a constitutional republic form of government works.

For the reader in District 24, Twin Falls, ID, here are the emails and phone numbers of your Representatives and Senator.

  • Representative Lance Clow: lclow@house.idaho.gov (208) 332-1188
  • Representative Linda Hartgen: lhartgen@house.idaho.gov (208) 332-1061
  • Senator Lee Heider: lheider@senate.idaho.gov (208) 332-1347

Links with helpful statements:

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